Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ch. performance assessment

Soledad Camacho
Self-Assessment:Ch.8-Performance Assessment (Jessica oh)
Classroom Assessment:
ED 450: Assessment and Evaluation-Ms.Soledad Camacho
October 3, 2012

1.      What did you want the class to learn from your teachback presentation?

Since, my chapter title is “Performance Assessment” first thing I would like for my classmate to learn is to know exact meaning of the performance assessment. The next thing, what I would like for my classmates to know is how performance assessment differ from traditionally binary test, multiple test or paper-pencil tests. A performance assessment is totally differ from constructed-responses tests. If students don’t know exact distinction between the performance assessment and constructed-responses, they would not able be appropriate to use in their future classroom setting. This is the most reason why I emphasis the importance of distinguish the performance assessment and constructed-response. Although, I haven’t gone through yet, I’m hoping that my class would meet my expectations.

2.      How did you assess what they learned?

I tried to use different way of assessment because I wanted something new assessment from what I have done. For this reason, I prepared two assessments: matching in warm-up activity and bonus quizzes during the lecture. The purpose of matching before the lecture was for checking understanding in order to check how students are familiar with the chapter. By checking student’s understanding, I know which part should be needed more explanation and how to easily explain to them in order to boost student’s understanding.
Based on this fact, I placed bonus quizzes during the lecture. The main purpose of doing bonus quizzes was to prevent boredom and have fun. Since the chapter is all about performance assessment, students might easily get bored and lost concentration. From where I am standing, having bonus quizzes are also very be useful and helpful because it can reduce student’s boredom and engage more in student’s learning progress. As they got the correct answer, I will reward them such as candy. (like token).
Before I go over with the lecture, I will introduce about the bonus quizzes so that student’s can take note in order to get the correct answer. I haven’t gone through yet but I hope my strategy works in class…J

3.      I am proudest of these components of my teachback presentation

To be honest, this question is hard to answer because I don’t know which components
of my teachback that I’m proudest… From my point of view, I think I’m quite proud of bonus quizzes because I put effort and spent a lot time to come up with the idea. It didn’t just pop out on top of my head. Bonus quizzes are the most proudest part on my teachback presentation.

4.      I can improve my teaching in the following ways

I have not gone through my teachback presentation yet, however; I think the lecture
part and activity part should be more improved. Since my native language is Korean and I’m not really fluency in English yet so I was quite having a hard time to understand the chapter. I had re-read over and over again until I understand the lecture and it took me a lot of time to get into the chapter. After, re-reading the chapter I was able to understand the chapter. At first time, I wasn’t able to fully comprehend the chapter, I did not know what kind of activity should I perform because activity should be based on the chapter and related to the chapter. I’m not quite an imaginative or a creativity person, so I just came up with a simple activity rather than an exciting activity.

5.      Ideas to contemplate?

For this question, I can strongly say “YES” because I tried to do my best and I put my
effort in order to successfully perform the teachback. I tried to come up with fun activity and an effective activity to give lesson to students. For this reason, my ideas are to contemplateJ

6.      Why was it important to study this chapter?

From my understanding, the chapter 8 overall dealt with the rubric based on the
understanding of performance assessment. The chapter gave 3 examples of rubrics and their characteristics: Task-specific rubrics, hypergeneral rubrics, and skill-focused rubrics. However, the chapter does not recommend for teachers to use task-specific rubrics or hypergenral rubrics. Because, task-specific rubrics are applicable for only in specific performance such as dance. Hypergenral rubrics are too much general so it is not good way to judge student’s performance. For this reason, the chapter stresses the importance of the using rubrics and how appropriate to use each different types of rubrics. If teachers don’t know how to properly use the rubrics, they would not be able to judge student’s performance. Also, teachers should be aware of the differences between performance assessment and constructed-response test.