8. CNMI&Standards and Benchmark test

Name:_________________                     Date: _____________
Social Studies: 2nd Quarter exam

Standards 6- Economics— Students understand the economic role of supply and demand, prices, resources, market structures, and government economic policies.

S.S 1.6.1 Explain the difference between wants and needs, and that because people cannot have all they want, they must make choices
  • making choices
  • inability to satisfy all wants
  • The student:

Resources: Students will do take simple test about wants and needs (Matching)
*Gives examples of the difference between things the student wants and things the student needs, and how to choose between them.
Direction: Answer correctly and properly

Column A                         Column B
Wants           _____is something you can’t survive without
Watermelon     _____is where you can put your money
Wallet          _____is fruit that has seed inside
Needs          _____is something you wish for but don’t need
               _____ is something you want but you don’t need

Excellent (4)
Very good(3)
good (2)
Needs more improvement  (1)
Students all correct out of 4 and able to fully understand between the want and need

Students miss 1, however students were able to somewhat understand
Students miss 1 or 2 by mistake. Students needs better understanding of the concept.
Students were miss more than 2 and lack of understanding of the concept.

1.6.2&1.6.3 Which one is the correct spelling of this word? __________  is something someone does for you and draw your answer

1. Survival
2. Service
3. Swimming
4. All of above

Very good
Good job
Needs improvement
A Student was able to choose correct and wonderful drawing as well.
A Student was able to choose answer; however, drawing didn’t meet with the answer
A student was unable to get anything correct, however, a student was trying to find an aswer
A student was not able to answer; he or she leave as blank.

S.S 1.6.4 Match the definition with a proper picture (It should be decorated in post board and students will take one definition and match proper column)


Excellent  (4)
Very good  (3)
Good job
Needs improvement
A Student was able to get all of answer correctly
A Student was able to get 2 or 3 answers correctly
A student was able to get 1 or 2 answer correctly,
A student was not able to answer correctly.

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